This listing includes a traditional Chinese gong mallet.
Note: If you're looking for our 40" to 44" Chinese Gongs, click here! For 48" and above, click here. We've recorded every individual gong 40" and over. Now you can see and hear each one and choose the perfect one for you.
The Chinese Wind Gong is fully lathed, leaving a bright, shiny finish. It doesn't have a rim; it is flat on the edge. This design gives the Wind Gong its splashy celebratory tone when struck with a quick fast attack. When tapped gently with a hard mallet, you will get a rich fundamental note that builds quickly to a crash with just a little bit of added power.
The 6" Wind Gong produces a clear, melodious bell tone making it perfect for piercing the void. It has been proven suitable for leaders of every stripe including classroom teachers. School-age children find the tone of 6" Wind gong quite entrancing and approachable. (Approachability- a great quality in a leader- and a gong.) Let's give the little leaders of tomorrow a leg-up by giving them a 6" Wind Gong. That's a Truth they can take home to Mother and her Void. Verily then, the Student will become the Master.
Enjoy a longer story of the 6" Wind Gong here.
Item Specifications:
Approximate Weight: 1 lb
The Chinese Wind Gong is fully lathed, leaving a bright, shiny finish. It doesn't have a rim; it is flat on the edge. This design gives the Wind Gong its splashy celebratory tone when struck with a quick fast attack. When tapped gently with a hard mallet, you will get a rich fundamental note that builds quickly to a crash with just a little bit of added power.
The 7" Wind Gong is strikingly similar to its friends of 6" and 8". With a clear tone, this gong will leave you bright-eyed and bushy-tailed. No, this does not mean you will become a squirrel or a fox or even a bunny with a fluffy bun on its bum. But you may feel a bit more calm inside and henceforth go outside where the bushy-tailed creatures may feel more safe to come and sniff around beside you. Once step closer to peace between all critters. That is what we hope gongs can do in you.
Item Specifications:
Approximate Weight: 1 lb
The Chinese Wind Gong is fully lathed, leaving a bright, shiny finish. It doesn't have a rim; it is flat on the edge. This design gives the Wind Gong its splashy celebratory tone when struck with a quick fast attack. When tapped gently with a hard mallet, you will get a rich fundamental note that builds quickly to a crash with just a little bit of added power.
The 8" Wind Gong is for you folks that need a beautiful sounding gong that is small, doesn't cost much, and still packs a sonic punch. This is a great gong for calming the kids, shutting up the bossy pontificator, or just signaling when the outhouse is available, etc.
Buy it and surprise your Secret Santa, Exhibitionist Easter Bunny, Ranting Ramadaner or Yodeling Yom Kippurer! This is the gong for holidays!
Item Specifications:
Approximate Weight: 1 lb
The Chinese Wind Gong is fully lathed, leaving a bright, shiny finish. It doesn't have a rim; it is flat on the edge. This design gives the Wind Gong its splashy celebratory tone when struck with a quick fast attack. When tapped gently with a hard mallet, you will get a rich fundamental note that builds quickly to a crash with just a little bit of added power.
After a night of Moonshine, you need some Gongshine! And no better Gongshine than a 10" Wind Gong before finishing a Luncheon of Linguine and then off to a Class of Kundalini followed by a few Bellinis!
We love this gong because it looks so cute and we can snuggle with it, and laugh with it, and play it just about anywhere. Anyone who has lived through a hurricane, tornado, typhoon, cyclone, or Uncle Roberto after he has a burrito can tell you... Sometimes a small wind is enough. That's why we sell this small wind gong. This gong delivers a lot of sound for the size!
Item Specifications:
Approximate Weight: 1 lb 4 oz
The Chinese Wind Gong is fully lathed, leaving a bright, shiny finish. It doesn't have a rim; it is flat on the edge. This design gives the Wind Gong its splashy celebratory tone when struck with a quick fast attack. When tapped gently with a hard mallet, you will get a rich fundamental note that builds quickly to a crash with just a little bit of added power.
DON'T JUST SIT THERE, MAN! PICK UP YER 12" WIND GONG AND PLAY IT! You must! It is a world we have here, where some people live like they are statues, even if they are alive. But they are barely living art. They are controlled by fear, and desperation, hate and greed and violence... so what is left, where is the joix de vivre?!! Is the actor playing the statue, playing you?
"Cornstalks!" the enlightened Nebraskans are heard to exclaim as they shower in ethanol like it was water, "You've got to stop just standing there and instead sit there and nowhere at the same time, and meditate until you levitate, then you won't prevaricate, or flagellate or castigate!" This world of statues is a city-state that is barely more, quite honestly, than a columbarium, it is ashes through ashes, and it is filled with ash. You must fight against the vortex, even if you must wear Gore-Tex! Don't be vexed, it is like being over-sexed in a skintight vest.
Why not a 12" Wind Gong?!
Item Specifications:
Approximate Weight: 1 lb 6 oz
The Chinese Wind Gong is fully lathed, leaving a bright, shiny finish. It doesn't have a rim; it is flat on the edge. This design gives the Wind Gong its splashy celebratory tone when struck with a quick fast attack. When tapped gently with a hard mallet, you will get a rich fundamental note that builds quickly to a crash with just a little bit of added power.
The 14" Wind Gong! is a good gong to stop the mental and emotional pain! It is a good gong to make you move again! It is bright, with a clear tone! It's bell-like, but with a splash! It is a brisk bit of cold water in your face! It is just the wake-up call you asked the hotel clerk for! It is the kind of gong that can melt a Siberian's heart! It is the kind of gong that can make a Moroccan's Scarf come down off his face to show you his smile. It is the kind of gong that will make you alive again.
Item Specifications:
Approximate Weight: 2 lbs 8 oz
The Chinese Wind Gong is fully lathed, leaving a bright, shiny finish. It doesn't have a rim; it is flat on the edge. This design gives the Wind Gong its splashy celebratory tone when struck with a quick fast attack. When tapped gently with a hard mallet, you will get a rich fundamental note that builds quickly to a crash with just a little bit of added power.
The 16" Wind Gong... wow. Imagine, if you will, a double-headed eagle. The youthful, feminine, navigator flies high, its vision towards the sun and beyond! One head, focused forward---directional instinct toward what lies ahead. The second head, looking back, the opposite direction sensing time and space past, making sure that all is secure there.
Diametrically opposed, yet connected. Flying as one. Together honing a line of balance and communicating what they see through their trusty 16" Wind Gong with bright splashes beckoning a bright future before them and low throbs and rumbles reminding them of where they've been.
Sublime! Mundane. It's all okay as long as it has no mendacity. All of you, who live in the future and past, ring this gong and come to the present! Its time to FLY!
What was, was.
What will be will be.
And it will be beautiful.
Item Specifications:
Approximate Weight: 3 lbs
The Chinese Wind Gong is fully lathed, leaving a bright, shiny finish. It doesn't have a rim; it is flat on the edge. This design gives the Wind Gong its splashy celebratory tone when struck with a quick fast attack. When tapped gently with a hard mallet, you will get a rich fundamental note that builds quickly to a crash with just a little bit of added power.
The 18" Wind Gong is light enough to use without a stand, held in the hand. It can be celebratory or healing or awakening depending on how you play. It can be soft, subtle, sweet. It's all in how you strike it. Surprise yourself, a friend, or colleague with this joyous 18" Wind Gong.
Item Specifications:
Approximate Weight: 4 lbs 10 oz
The Chinese Wind Gong is fully lathed, leaving a bright, shiny finish. It doesn't have a rim; it is flat on the edge. This design gives the Wind Gong its splashy celebratory tone when struck with a quick fast attack. When tapped gently with a hard mallet, you will get a rich fundamental note that builds quickly to a crash with just a little bit of added power.
The 20" Wind Gong, what is it like?
Remember when you were 20? It was an age full of promise, poised as you were to be able to drink legally, seeing the world as your oyster, indefatigable in your dreams and drive. You were bright and sparky and in love with the concept of your promise. That is the 20" Wind Gong. The 22" Wind Gong, we all know what it does. Know how it sounds. It's the plain veggie burger. But the 20" Wind Gong, it's the younger sibling, brighter and more feisty. It's a little spicy and a little glittery and ready to help you create a new world in your world.
Item Specifications:
Approximate Weight: 5 lbs 8 oz
The Chinese Wind Gong is fully lathed, leaving a bright, shiny finish. It doesn't have a rim; it is flat on the edge. This design gives the Wind Gong its splashy celebratory tone when struck with a quick fast attack. When tapped gently with a hard mallet, you will get a rich fundamental note that builds quickly to a crash with just a little bit of added power.
The 22" Wind Gong... We would call it a Zephyr, if it came from the West, but it comes from the East - unless you live in Vietnam - so we will call it an Easter! In fact, this gong will resurrect your spirits, if not your flesh, when you bang. Try it the next time you are crucified - not literally, figuratively. Bang a Wind Gong and you will cleanse out the Sadducees and Pharisees of your office or family! Or the Fallacies and Heresies! Or the Bee Gees and the Squeegees!
Item Specifications:
Approximate Weight: 6 lbs 6 oz
The Chinese Wind Gong is fully lathed, leaving a bright, shiny finish. It doesn't have a rim; it is flat on the edge. This design gives the Wind Gong its splashy celebratory tone when struck with a quick fast attack. When tapped gently with a hard mallet, you will get a rich fundamental note that builds quickly to a crash with just a little bit of added power.
The 24" Wind Gong, for your consideration: In China, the word for wind sounds like Fong. A refreshing breeze is known as Ching Fong Chun Fong is a spring breeze. While Fong Ling is wind chimes. That is why you sometimes see Wind Gong described as a Feng Gong. Because Feng is the transliteration of the Chinese word for Wind. We could have written Feng, but it has been written Fung and Fong as well. So this solid 24" bit of deep shimmery sound, is the Feng, Fong, Fung Gong. And this one? Well, it's deeper. It's fuller. It's more complex than smaller Wind Gongs. But it's small enough to be managable. Ahhh, the Middle Way!
Item Specifications:
Approximate Weight: 9 lbs
The Chinese Wind Gong is fully lathed, leaving a bright, shiny finish. It doesn't have a rim; it is flat on the edge. This design gives the Wind Gong its splashy celebratory tone when struck with a quick fast attack. When tapped gently with a hard mallet, you will get a rich fundamental note that builds quickly to a crash with just a little bit of added power.
The 26" Wind Gong, also called the Feng Gong, based on the Chinese word for Wind, is of the Wind Gong family: meaning that it will crash and splash when struck with enough force. That crash and splash could be compared to the Wind. Hence its name. But also the 26" Wind Gong is where Wind Gongs begin to get enough weight that you can have them have a deeper tone and sustain. The 22" Wind Gong cannot do that. At 26", the Wind Gong will have greater depth, sustain, and complexity than at smaller sizes.
Item Specifications:
Approximate Weight: 13 lbs 6 oz
The Chinese Wind Gong is fully lathed, leaving a bright, shiny finish. It doesn't have a rim; it is flat on the edge. This design gives the Wind Gong its splashy celebratory tone when struck with a quick fast attack. When tapped gently with a hard mallet, you will get a rich fundamental note that builds quickly to a crash with just a little bit of added power.
The 28" Wind Gonghas a deep tone that builds to a crashy splash if you keep striking it with increased power. You can't find a better price on a gong at this size and quality! And you can't find better people than us to buy it from, we think, if we can bang our own gong!
"Andrew, I must tell you the gong arrived late Wed evening. I was able to sneak it in without the birthday boy noticing. It was then wrapped up and hidden till the big day. Since I hadn’t peeked myself, I was curious as he was opening the box. As he wrestled with the bubble wrap…a little too slow for his [son’s] liking. It was then he yelled, "It’s a gong! It’s a gong!" Needless to say the unpacking became frantic. The look of surprise and utter happiness was priceless. He really couldn’t believe we actually got him a gong for his birthday. Something he had always wanted. And a good sized one I might add. Needless to say it has been a source of enjoyment ever since. I just wanted to share my story and thank you so very much for getting it out promptly. You were wonderful!!!"
Item Specifications:
Approximate Weight: 17 lbs
The Chinese Wind Gong is fully lathed, leaving a bright, shiny finish. It doesn't have a rim; it is flat on the edge. This design gives the Wind Gong its splashy celebratory tone when struck with a quick fast attack. When tapped gently with a hard mallet, you will get a rich fundamental note that builds quickly to a crash with just a little bit of added power.
The 30" Wind Gong will blow you away or at least the parts of you that are ready to move. The other parts it will tickle. Like a powerful wind moving through grass or moving across mountains. Updrafts of motion slowly eroding the hardened parts that are ready to blow on and create a fine silt of growth somewhere new. It will bring you depth, then it will sing through a complex crash.
It's all natural.
It's all you need.
It's all for you.
Item Specifications:
Approximate Weight: 20 lbs
The Chinese Wind Gong is fully lathed, leaving a bright, shiny finish. It doesn't have a rim; it is flat on the edge. This design gives the Wind Gong its splashy celebratory tone when struck with a quick fast attack. When tapped gently with a hard mallet, you will get a rich fundamental note that builds quickly to a crash with just a little bit of added power.
The 32" Wind Gong is a Chinese 'Gongs Unlimited' gong that also produces a rich, deep tone on first strike and then builds in volume and vibration to a big splashy crash. "It's windy! Windy! Windy! Windy!" You shall scream with delight with this gong!
Item Specifications:
Approximate Weight: 22 lbs 8 oz
The Chinese Wind Gong is fully lathed, leaving a bright, shiny finish. It doesn't have a rim; it is flat on the edge. This design gives the Wind Gong its splashy celebratory tone when struck with a quick fast attack. When tapped gently with a hard mallet, you will get a rich fundamental note that builds quickly to a crash with just a little bit of added power.
The 34" Wind Gong has arrived on the wings of a big gusty breeze. As a wind grows bigger, its effects grow deeper, deeper still. Like the deep stillness after a storm moves through. As the storm plays over the earth there are surprising overtones, long sustains, a wonder of when and if it will pass.
Playing a 34" Wind Gong can be the same. You can find many different notes through the face, in different locations and with various mallets. Yes! Play with this gong!
You can get lost in this gong. You can find yourself in this gong. (You can find yourself anywhere, but it can be more fun with a gong.)
Item Specifications:
Approximate Weight: 25 lbs
The Chinese Wind Gong is fully lathed, leaving a bright, shiny finish. It doesn't have a rim; it is flat on the edge. This design gives the Wind Gong its splashy celebratory tone when struck with a quick fast attack. When tapped gently with a hard mallet, you will get a rich fundamental note that builds quickly to a crash with just a little bit of added power.
The 36" Chinese Wind Gong is a magnificent beast. Deep and fulfilling, sustaining and nurturing, but also complex and delightful, flirty and fun. It can have a nice long deep tone and when played gently, let you languish over the various harmonics that it yields. However, when you build it fast and let it crash, it can be like a summer rainstorm, a sunshower as well. Made of Bronze in Wuhan China, this is a marvelous gong for this price. A family heirloom in the waiting. Enjoy it today!
Item Specifications:
Approximate Weight: 28 lbs
The Chinese Wind Gong is fully lathed, leaving a bright, shiny finish. It doesn't have a rim; it is flat on the edge. This design gives the Wind Gong its splashy celebratory tone when struck with a quick fast attack. When tapped gently with a hard mallet, you will get a rich fundamental note that builds quickly to a crash with just a little bit of added power.
Wow! The 38" Wind Gong! Talk about a big wind! Made of much bronze, in the hot ovens of Wuhan China, lathed by trained gong makers, imported by gong lovers, this 38" (a.k.a. 96cm) Gong is called a Wind Gong, but is also known as the FENG GONG in China.
Whoooosh! It is quite a sound. This gong starts deep, play it softly, let it build, deeper and more wily it grows, some are like synthesizers, some are like wind tunnels, some are rainstorms, and then it can crash like thunder, roar like a lion, shine like the sun.
This size gong, this marvelous instrument can remind you how marvelous sound is, and how wonderful the Bronze Age was!
Item Specifications:
Approximate Weight: 30 lbs
Click here to check out our blog with videos comparing different styles of our Chinese Gongs, including the Wind Gong.