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14" to 15" Chinese Gongs on the Pretty Planar Gong Stand

Unlimied & Walden


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This listing includes the gong of your choosing, Pretty Planar Gong Stand, and a matching mallet.

The 14" Atlantis Gong is a unique gong created in collaboration with gong makers in China. It is an unlathed gong, so it holds a deep meditative tone. The oxidizing process creates different colors and patterns, which reflect the individual soundscapes in each gong. This gong holds deep wisdom in its bronze, the same wisdom that dolphins have always known as they dance and dive in the sea.

Approximate Weight of Gong: 3 lbs 4 oz

The Atlantis Chau Gong mixes the classic look and feel of the traditional Chau gong with mystique and depth of our exclusive Atlantis gong.

The science of metallurgy and the art of the gongmaker combine to create a gong with differing coloration and varying pockets of harmonics throughout the gong. The classic lathing pattern brings balance and control to the overall sound, making this gong something special that's a must-have for sound alchemists, therapists, healers and musicians.

Approximate Weight of Gong: 3 lbs 4 oz

The Chau Gong is iconic in appearance. It is what many people see in their mind’s eye when they think of a Chinese Gong. The bull’s-eye design is created by the metal lathing between the rim of the gong and the center. The lathing creates an overall balanced sound between the clear fundamental tone when tapped and a balanced crash when played heavier.

Approximate Weight of Gong: 3 lbs 6 oz

The Chocolate Drop Gong is similar to the Chau Gong. In fact, it is basically a Chau Gong with the outer dark ring lathed off. This makes the Chocolate Drop Gong not only look brighter than the Chau Gong, it can make it sound brighter too.

Approximate Weight of Gong: 3 lbs 6 oz

Exclusively made for Gongs Unlimited, the Dark Star Gongs are designed to bring beautiful tones into your life. The Dark Star line resemble our Mother Tesla Gongs, but with a more musical bounce to their tones - yet still able to maintain a moodier sentiment. The tones will bring out your thoughts for gentle examination, and help you grow.

Approximate Weight of Gong: 3 lbs 4 oz

Recently blown in, these Dark Wind Gongs are similar to the traditional Wind Gongs, but with an unlathed outer edge. The unlathed part controls the crash, creating less splash than a wind gong and preventing the gong from opening up sound-wise like a fully lathed gong.

Approximate Weight of Gong: 2 lbs 8 oz

The Deep Breath Gong is a breath of fresh air. These gongs are thinner, light-hearted, and fun. The dark unlathed center provides great sustain while holding the crash in.

Approximate Weight of Gong: 2 lbs 8 oz

Exclusive to Gongs Unlimited, the Deep Breath Chau Gongs are similar to the Deep Breath Gongs that we have all come to love, but with a rim! The presence of the rim focuses the sound and combined with the dark unlathed center, provides great sustain while holding the crash in.

Approximate Weight of Gong: 3 lbs 6 oz

The Unlimited Gou Gong (sometimes called a Hmong Shaman Gong) has a rich history and tradition of healing and being used as a medicinal tool. This gong is heavy and thick with a turned edge, producing warm tones that are clear and linear, with less spread and overtones than a traditional Chau or Wind Gong.

Approximate Weight of Gong: 7 lbs 2 oz

The Lunar Flare Gong is named after the ring of brightness that appears around the moon in a photo. It embodies the eternal of Earth's only satellite, yet we know the flare only because of today's technology which made it possible to capture this previously unseen and beautiful phenomenon. It has a deep sound, though not as sharp as its sister, the Solar Flare Gong. The rim focuses the sound which lingers pleasantly. There's a lightness, like the light from the moon that pierces the thick of night. Deep sound emanates and expands and transforms dark to light.

The Lunar Flare Gong is appropriately named, for its sounds move the water in your body in a way to loosen stuck emotions, if you work with it. It works the stuck sounds in your body so you can release them. It takes you from the Dark Side of the Moon to the brilliant reflective Light Side.

Approximate Weight of Gong: 3 lbs 6 oz

The Mother Tesla Gong is an unlathed gong, designed specifically for Gongs Unlimited. This is how a gong looks when it comes out of the oven. Most Chinese gongs have this color when they come out of their cast mold, but then are lathed to create different tones.

Approximate Weight of Gong: 3 lbs 4 oz

The Pasi Gong fits in the style of Chinese gongs that are smaller, fully lathed, with a more or less flat face. Pasi Gongs in all sizes are bright, happy gongs.

The Sun Gong, what we at Gongs Unlimited call the Solar Flare Gong, is a less traditional Chinese Gong than some of the other styles. It’s a more recent design created by Chinese gong makers and is available to all gong sellers, so we felt compelled to put it in the Traditional section. It is basically a Wind Gong, but with concentric bands of lathed and unlathed circles. The unlathed parts control the crash and splash, less than a Wind Gong. The rings concentrate the tones and it does not open up sound-wise like a fully lathed gong.

Approximate Weight of Gong: 2 lbs 8 oz

Made exclusively for Gongs Unlimited, our line of Subatomic Gongs is the perfect option to add to your collection of sound healing instruments. Subatomics are to our Chau Gong as the black keys on a piano are to the white. The Subatomic creates a more mystical tone when struck with a complex mixture of harmonics and overtones. Often, striking it in the different concentric rings will give you a slightly different tone each time, adding to the mystique of these gongs.

Approximate Weight of Gong: 3 lbs 6 oz

The Chinese Tiger Gong is a traditional Chinese gong that has a unique sound the world associates with Chinese Opera and other Chinese theater.

The front of the gong is distinctly forward from the outer rim of the gong. It is almost like two gongs in one, a front gong and a bigger back gong: two distinct tones tied together. This connection creates an ascending or descending sound. Often called “pitch-bending”, this up or down bend accelerates as the gong goes from one note to another, making the Opera Gongs a special experience.

The Chinese Wind Gong is fully lathed, leaving a bright, shiny finish. It doesn't have a rim; it is flat on the edge. This design gives the Wind Gong its splashy celebratory tone when struck with a quick fast attack. When tapped gently with a hard mallet, you will get a rich fundamental note that builds quickly to a crash with just a little bit of added power.

Approximate Weight of Gong: 2 lbs 8 oz

The Pasi Gong fits in the style of Chinese gongs that are smaller, fully lathed, with a more or less flat face. Pasi Gongs in all sizes are bright, happy gongs

The White Gong has a rim like a Chau Gong but is also fully lathed like a Wind gong. As expected, the White Gong has qualities of both these traditional Chinese gongs. The full lathing creates a bright, airy sound with a shiny splash, but the rim focuses that splash, and gives clarity to the overall sound.

The Pretty Planar Table-Top Gong Stand is easy to assemble, sturdy, and classy. It is made from sanded-finish aluminum; the designer minimal aesthetic offers an entirely new look than other stands we carry.

It is perfect gong stand for your home, your office, or studio. We suggest a gong of 14" for the best look, but you can fit up to 16" gongs and still have it look remarkable.

Stand Measurements:
Width: 24”
Height: 19.25”
Depth (at feet): 8”
Space Between Hanging Rope: 7"
Weight: 3 lb 8 oz
Space Inside frame: 17.75” x 17.75”

Mallet Measurements:
Total Height: 7.5"
Handle Height: 5.75"
Head Height: 1.75"
Handle Diameter: 1 cm
Head Diameter: 2"
Weight: 3 oz

Learn how to assemble this stand with Joshua, the assembly wizard, in the video below:

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