This listing comes with the Crystal Tuner Tuning Fork and instructional pamphlet.
Note: These tuning forks are made of aluminum, which is a soft metal, great for harmonics and sound healing. Because of this softness, you might find the occasional small mark or scratch. The fork isn’t damaged, nor is the tuning off. It can happen during packing by the manufacturer, or during shipping and handling. We provide safe storage and great care when handling them.
The Crystal Tuner is designed to match the resonant frequency of the pulsation of the Earth, it is meant to amplify the healing energy of crystals through sonic vibration.
At the 9th octave above 8 Hz, the Crystal Tuner is meant to vibrate the cranial bones, opening the upper chakras to the source of creativity, insight and vision and creating a doorway to angelic realms.
C - 4096 Hz