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Tone of Life 30" Divine Feminine Gongs

Tone of Life


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This gong does not come with a mallet.

Note: These 30" Divine Feminine Gongs are unique. Once each one has sold, we won't get another exactly like it. But we will eventually get more of this size and style.

Tone of Life 30" Divine Feminine Gong (#GOT159)

Tone of Life 30" Divine Feminine Gong (#JPS090)

Tone of Life 30" Divine Feminine Gong (#ROE457)

Tone of Life 30" Divine Feminine Gong (#ROF145)

The Divine Feminine Gong (called the "Shemoon Gong" by the Polish gongmakers) calls us to connect to the energy of the great feminine spirit, the Goddess, the great Yin energy. It has a deep sound with magic bells ringing here and there bringing stillness, peace, nurture, gentleness, and a sense of calm by concentrating the attention here and now, in a flowing stream of sound.

Item Specifications:
Diameter: 29.5"
Height: 2"
Rim Thickness: 2mm
Approximate Weight: 24 lbs 

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