International Currency Select


From WOM:

"In the summer of 2013, we started a research project on the sound behavior of various metals, which would later lead to the birth of the WOM brand.

The name WOM is both a sound and a symbol. It is the sound of the Spanda Mantra "Wuom" used in the practice of Hara Yoga, representing the universal vibration, the origin of all sound and reality.

WOM Gongs are created one by one completely by hand in Italy, with procedures that combine traditional methods, personal choices, and innovative intuitions, in order to generate unique tools, designed with care and made with passion, in order to give the metal the necessary vibratory characteristics for a complete and engaging sound experience.

The surface of the gong becomes a "sound canvas" on which, through different techniques and collaboration between talented artists, becomes an original visual work and design from the amazing colors that metals take on when exposed to high temperatures.

It is an alchemical dance of archaic forces that gives birth to a WOM Gong. Forging a gong is like creating a door to the entire universe, playing it is like opening that door and listening to its breath."
