The totally great thing about our Atlantis Gongs is that each one looks slightly different.
The gong making process allows for the science of metallurgy to mix with the art of the gongmaker to mix with the magic of fire to create each one of these gongs!
These gongs are like Jazz -- not the team from Utah -- but the music. Improv on a theme....
So why are they called Atlantis Gongs?
We call these gongs Atlantis Gongs because we imagine, if our film director/submariner James Cameron, were to discover Atlantis in one of his old up and downs in the Marianas trench, and he was to bring up a gong from there it would look like our Atlantis Gong.
It will be fun the day our intrepid bottom of the sea foragers find evidence of ATLANTIS, the antediluvian theme park!
Atlantis, the Malletheads know, existed, as we were there.
You were too, Mr. and Mrs. Forgetful of Your Past Lives!
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