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Earth Tuned Sound Swords - Chakra Tuning Forks

Earth Tuned


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This listings comes with one tuning fork and carrying bag.

Click here to learn how to clean a dirty Earth Tuned Sound Sword!

Note: These Giant Tuning Forks are made of an aerospace grade aluminum alloy, which is a soft metal, great for harmonics and sound healing. Because of this softness, they are very easy to scratch. They are all CNC milled for the physical construction and then manually polished for a mirror finish. To prevent and treat normal wear of the instruments to ensure a bright appearance, keep them wrapped in a soft cloth even while in their carrying cases. When hairline scratches and smudges from the mallets do occur and the finish begins to look dull, polishing them with an automotive metal polish is advised.

Earth Tuned Throat Chakra Tuning Fork (G = 384 Hz)

The throat chakra is responsible for communication, self-expression, and the ability to speak your personal truth. Balancing and energizing this chakra helps one to speak, listen, and express themselves from a higher form of communication.

These Sound Sword - Chakra Tuning Forks are tuned to help you harmonize with the Earth and bring about a state of deep inner peace. Their effects for both the body and mind are as powerful as they are immediate. Add one to your sound healing toolkit today!

Total Length: 15.5" / 39 cm
Handle Length : 5" / 13 cm
Width: 4" / 10 cm
Weight: 2 lbs 10 oz

Bag Dimensions: 20" x 5" x 1"

Earth Tuned Heart Chakra Tuning Fork (F = 342 Hz)

The heart chakra is the seat of our physical life force in this reality. Balancing and energizing this chakra brings more love, compassion, charity to others, and psychic healing into your life.

These Sound Sword - Chakra Tuning Forks are tuned to help you harmonize with the Earth and bring about a state of deep inner peace. Their effects for both the body and mind are as powerful as they are immediate. Add one to your sound healing toolkit toda

Total Length: 16" / 41 cm
Handle Length: 5" / 13 cm
Width: 4" / 10 cm
Weight: 2 lbs 10 oz

Bag Dimensions: 20" x 5" x 1"

Earth Tuned Root Chakra Tuning Fork (C=256 Hz)

The root chakra is our body's most primal and fundamental energy center located at the base of our spine. Balancing and energizing this chakra helps in bringing more stability and inner security within us.

These Sound Sword - Chakra Tuning Forks are tuned to help you harmonize with the Earth and bring about a state of deep inner peace. Their effects for both the body and mind are as powerful as they are immediate. Add one to your sound healing toolkit today!

Total Length: 17.5" / 44.5 cm
Handle Length: 5" / 12.7 cm
Width: 4" / 10 cm
Weight: 2 lbs 10 oz

Bag Dimensions: 20" x 5" x 1"

Earth Tuned Sacral Chakra Tuning Fork (D=288 Hz)

The sacral chakra is thought to govern how you experience sexuality, creative expression, emotions, and more. Balancing and energizing this chakra helps bring more emotional balance, creativity, and sensuality into your life.

These Sound Sword - Chakra Tuning Forks are tuned to help you harmonize with the Earth and bring about a state of deep inner peace. Their effects for both the body and mind are as powerful as they are immediate. Add one to your sound healing toolkit today!

Total Length: 16.5" / 42 cm
Handle Length: 5" / 12.7 cm
Width: 4" / 10 cm
Fork Thickness: 1" / 2.54 cm
Weight: 2 lbs 8 oz

Bag Dimensions: 21" x 6" x 1"

Earth Tuned Solar Plexus Chakra Tuning Fork (E=324 HZ)

The solar plexus chakra, also known as the third chakra or Manipura chakra, is responsible for self-esteem, boundaries, and willpower. Working with the solar plexus chakra helps us unlock deeper levels of authenticity in our lives and develop the confidence to stand in our truth.

These Sound Sword - Chakra Tuning Forks are tuned to help you harmonize with the Earth and bring about a state of deep inner peace. Their effects for both the body and mind are as powerful as they are immediate. Add one to your sound healing toolkit today!

Total Length: 16.5" / 42 cm
Handle Length: 5" / 12.7 cm
Width: 4" / 10 cm
Fork Thickness: 1" / 2.54 cm
Weight: 2 lbs 8 oz

Bag Dimensions: 21" x 6" x 1"

Earth Tuned Third Eye Chakra Tuning Fork (A=216 Hz)

The third eye chakra witnesses the “internal screen” where memory and fantasy, images and archetypes, intuition and imagination are displayed. From this, we create meaning and consciousness to everyday life. The third eye chakra is our gut feeling, our inner teacher, and our strong intuition.

These Sound Sword - Chakra Tuning Forks are tuned to help you harmonize with the Earth and bring about a state of deep inner peace. Their effects for both the body and mind are as powerful as they are immediate. Add one to your sound healing toolkit today!

Total Length: 18.5" / 47 cm
Handle Length: 5" / 12.7 cm
Width: 4" / 10 cm
Fork Thickness: 1" / 2.54 cm
Weight: 2 lbs 15 oz

Bag Dimensions: 21" x 6" x 1"

Earth Tuned Third Eye Chakra Tuning Fork (A=432 Hz)

The third eye chakra witnesses the “internal screen” where memory and fantasy, images and archetypes, intuition and imagination are displayed. From this, we create meaning and consciousness to everyday life. The third eye chakra is our gut feeling, our inner teacher, and our strong intuition.

These Sound Sword - Chakra Tuning Forks are tuned to help you harmonize with the Earth and bring about a state of deep inner peace. Their effects for both the body and mind are as powerful as they are immediate. Add one to your sound healing toolkit today!

Length: 15" / 38 cm
Width: 4.15" / 10.5 cm
Fork Thickness: 1" / 2.54 cm
Handle Length: 7" / 18 cm
Weight: 2.5 lb

Bag Dimensions: 21" x 6" x 1" 

Earth Tuned Crown Chakra Tuning Fork (B=242 Hz)

The crown chakra is all about spiritual connection and transformation. It lifts and inspires you, connecting you to the divine (you might call this angelic energy, the Source, or God.) This chakra also gives you a sense of your own divinity, the awareness that you are a soul in a human body.

These Sound Sword - Chakra Tuning Forks are tuned to help you harmonize with the Earth and bring about a state of deep inner peace. Their effects for both the body and mind are as powerful as they are immediate. Add one to your sound healing toolkit today!

Total Length: 16.5" / 42 cm
Handle Length: 5" / 12.7 cm
Width: 4" / 10 cm
Fork Thickness: 1" / 2.54 cm
Weight: 2 lbs 15 oz

Bag Dimensions: 21" x 6" x 1"

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