Are you interested in scheduling a sound healing for yourself or for a group? We can host up to 8 people for sound healings in our Gongville healing room. Sound baths are a great way to de-stress and relax, whether you're bringing in people from the office, a group of old friends, or a little bit of family therapy via the Gong.
Sound healings usually last an hour and consist of a guided meditation and a peaceful concert of gongs, singing bowls, and other meditative instruments that surround you and your group.
We also do individual healings with tuning forks and bowls in our smaller room - think of it like a sound acupuncture but without the needles!
To schedule a sound bath, please contact us using our contact form.
In your message, please also let us know if there are any special physical needs in your group so so we want to be as accommodating as possible.
Need Help? Contact us!
(402) 474-4664
Lincoln, NE 68507 USA
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