You're aware that there are seven main energy centers (chakras) located up and down the spine. The first chakra is at the base of the spine going all the way up to the seventh chakra at the top of your head.
The chakras are how you as spirit connect into your body and create what you want in your life. If they are filled with other people's energies, or stifled from spinning by cords, you have difficulty creating what you want. You can even become sick if they are not spinning, or if they are out of balance.
Balancing the chakras can be done through a meditative or yogic practice, and can be aided by the music in this section. The composers suggest that their tones can help bring your chakras back into alignment. Allow yourself to move into a heightened and healthy state!
Chakra Pyramid Alignment Guided Meditation Click the link and you can purchase this album and support this artist Jason Stephenson smoothly walks the listener through a chakra aligning meditation using ethereal music and soothing instructions to help one truly focus themselves into their mediation. At only thirty mintues this is a quick meditation and is perfect for beginners who are new to the practice and may have trouble falling into themselves for a long period of time. Stephenson's voice is soft and instructive and sets up the proper mindset excellently. |
Chakra Balancing: Mind, Body, And Soul Pt. 1 Deepok Chopra is well known as an important figure in the New Age movement. He is also an Indian American author, a public speaker, and an alternative medicine advocate. He created the first part of this album to be an instrumental calming of the body and the chakras. The music is gorgeous and centers the body and lifts the spirit. |
Chakra Balancing: Mind, Body, And Soul Pt. 2 Deepok Chopra is well known as an important figure in the New Age movement. He is also an Indian American author, a public speaker, and an alternative medicine advocate. The second part of this album is a guided meditation led by Chopra. Chopra walks the listener slowly through each one of the chakras and explains fully where the meditation is going without feeling intrusive. |
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