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Sound Healing with Asteroids, Dwarf Planets, and Stars

by M H June 07, 2022


There's much overlap between the magical arts of astrology and sound healing. Thanks to the work and calculations of Hans Cousto in "The Cosmic Octave," the periodic cycles of the planets, planetary bodies, and other points of interest in the night sky have been translated into corresponding audible frequencies, allowing us to tap into the energies of each of these archetypal energies with sound.

Are you a Gemini working on 5th Chakra communication issues? Perhaps a Mercury Gong is the right tool to help clear out your clogged channels. Need a little love and beauty in your life? Maybe the Venus Gong is what you need to put you in touch with your inner beauty and self-love.

But you might already have a large collection of planetary gongs (whoa!) and you're looking for something a little different. If so, Broder Oetken has created an amazing series of Asteroid and Planetoid Gongs. From the smaller 20" Gonggong Gong to the big, beautiful 36" Pallas Gong, these physical and energetic planetary bodies are floating around our solar system, pulling and pushing on your energetic matrix just as the core planets are.

So what are these hidden planetary spirits? What do they do? Where does the inspiration come from for naming each of these planetary bodies and their corresponding gongs?

Below, you'll find some of our favorites from this new collection along with some info and a video sample of each one. We hope by the end of this you'll find something new and unique that resonates with you, and maybe you'll even decide to add one to your spiritual toolkit. Either way, listen below and check out more of these amazing gongs to receive a little healing.

The 20" GongGong Gong

Gonggong is a destructive water god from Chinese mythology and folklore. Depicted as a red-headed man with a serpent's body and an iron forehead, he is blamed for cosmic disasters such as knocking the earth's axis off-center, creating great floods, and damaging the Buzhou Mountain (one of eight pillars holding up the sky). In most tales, Gonggong is exiled after losing a battle with another major deity, like the god of fire, Zhurong, or the goddess Nüwa. Gonggong is one of the "Four Perils" or "Four Criminals" opposing the Four Benevolent Animals in Chinese Mythology. Its symbol takes the Chinese character for gòng, 共, and adds a snakes tail below it, as seen on the center of the gong in the video above.

The planetary body itself lives beyond Pluto. It's the fifth-largest dwarf planet in our system. It just got its name in 2020, chosen in an online poll created by the astronomers who discovered it back in 2007. It has a reddish hue and likely contains a Methane atmosphere. It has a small moon, named Xiangliu, after the deity that attends to Gonggong in Chinese mythology. It takes 554 Earth years to make a single orbit around the Sun.

Spiritually, in many ways, it is similar to Pluto, the destroyer, creating chaos and catastrophe on Earth, from which humanity can be reborn, to rebuild and regrow.

The 24" Hygiea Gong

Hygieia is a goddess of health, cleanliness, and hygiene from Greek and Roman mythology and folklore. She is the daughter of Asclepius, god of medicine (who was the son of Apollo). She acts as a representative of his healing powers, ruling over the prevention of sickness and the continuation of good health. She's typically depicted with a snake–similar to the single snake wrapped around the Rod of Asclepius–which she feeds with a cup. Her symbol is often the Bowl of Hygieia–a snake wrapped around a cup–from which she is feeding the snake, (maybe it is drinking some Boba Tea), or the Rod of Asclepius–a snake coiled around a staff–representing health and healing (as seen on the gong in the video above).

The asteroid and possible dwarf planet is located in the main asteroid belt. It's the fourth-largest asteroid planet in our system. It was discovered in 1849 in Italy and named after the Greek goddess of health and also in honor of the ruling family of the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies, with an English spelling of 'Hygiea.' It has a dark surface and is very dim at most oppositions, though it is easily observable at its closest point in orbit to the sun. It is believed to be made-up mostly of carbonaceous materials and water ice. It takes about 5.57 Earth years to make one revolution around the Sun

Energetically and spiritually, Hygieia (or Hygiea) represents more than just health and healing, but the prevention of illness altogether, and the ongoing continuation of health and healing. In this way, she works well with Chiron, the wounded healer, another asteroid. 

The 28" Sirius Double Star Gong

Sirius comes from the Latin and Greek "Seirios," meaning "glowing" or "scorcher," and it may also be linked to the Egyptian god Osiris. It was recorded as early as the 7th century BC and has been known by many other names in other cultures and periods, including Alhabor throughout medieval western Europe, Mrigavyadha (Rudra or Shiva) in Sanskrit, or Lokabrenna (Loki's Torch) in Scandinavian. The symbol seen on the gong above was used by Heinrich Agrippa. It has commonly been known as the "Dog Star," the brightest star in Canis Major, the "Great Dog" depicted as belonging to Orion. 

Sirius is a binary star system which consists of Sirius A and Sirius B, with each orbiting around the other approximately every 50 years. Sirius A is the brighter of the two, while B has already evolved to become a white dwarf. Sirius A is approximately 1.7 times the size of our Sun. Sirius B is one of the most massive white dwarfs known to us, at about 1.02 times the mass of our Sun packed into a volume roughly equal to Earth's. 

In Theosophy, it is believed that Sirius collects the spiritual energy emitted from the Seven Stars of Pleiades and transmits that energy to our Sun, which is channeled down to us on Earth. In this way, it can be seen as a gateway, connecting our physical existence on Earth to the divine energetic source. 

The 32" Eros Gong

Eros is a Greek god sometimes depicted as primordial, other times as the son of Aphrodite and Ares. He is depicted as a blindfolded youth with wings, a precursor to Cupid who causes mischief by creating bonds of love between gods and mortals. In earlier depictions, he is shown as a young adult male and the embodiment of sexual power, responsible for making people fall into love with each other. 

Eros the asteroid was discovered in 1898 by German astronomer C.G. Witt in an eccentric orbit between Earth and Mars. It has an average diameter of 10.4 miles and it's the first asteroid to be studied from its orbit. It has an elongated peanut shape and is believed to contain 20 billion tons of aluminum, gold, platinum, and other rare metals. It takes 1.76 Earth years to make an orbit around the Sun.

Spiritually, Eros represents a desire for wholeness and connection to others. It may begin as passionate love, but more deeply, it represents a need to connect and interact on a meaningful level with other beings. It is sometimes considered a countering force to the ego. 

The 36" Makemake Gong

Makemake is the creator of humanity in the Rapa Nui mythology and the god of fertility and chief god of the bird-man sect (Tangata manu) of Moai-era Easter Island. In the bird-man sect, he drove the birds to nest on the big islet of the island. Makemake is commonly depicted in petroglyphs large eyes, or as a skull with no eyes, and a long, phallic nose. Its modern symbol, as seen on the gong in the video above, is inspired by the prominent eyes and nose of the seen in petroglyphs.

The planetary body itself lives in the Kuiper Belt, beyond Neptune. It has an estimated diameter between 1300 and 1500 km. It was discovered in 2005 in the US and named in accordance with the IAU rules for Kuiper belt objects, named after a creator deity. Because it was discovered near Easter, it was named for a deity of the people of Easter Island. It is relatively bright and can be detected with a high-end amateur telescope. It has a reddish appearance. Its surface is believed to be made up of methane, ethane, a few others, and possibly nitrogen ice. 

Spiritually, Makemake represents the creative force of nature, abundance from the land, and the blessing of fertility. It represents blessings from our environment. In an event called "the Festival of the Seabird's Eggs," competitors participate in a test of strength, stamina, and courage to retrieve an egg from a bird nest, often hanging from the side of a cliff or out on a rocky islet. The winner would be bestowed with Makemake's favor and blessings.

Check out more amazing Dwarf Planet and Asteroid Gongs!

These aren't the only asteroid and dwarf planet gongs from Oetken's new line. These are just a few of our favorites, sampling the range of sizes available.

If you liked the gongs we highlighted above, you can see and hear them all in our store so you can find the perfect one for your spiritual and healing needs.

Check out the entire collection here in our store.




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