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How to Replace and Tie a Paiste Gong Gut

by M H May 07, 2019

As you stand there, looking over your Paiste Symphonic Gong and its aged, extremely frayed gong gut, you feel it too. Time weighs on us all. We all feel the weight and the fray of time pulling on the matter of our sinew; we feel the strain on our bones and muscles.

And so you ask yourself, “Where do I get a new gong gut? How do I change my gong gut once I get it? How do I get the years back?

We can’t reverse the aging process or replace the elastin in your connective tissue, but we can help you replace and swap-out your gong gut for a fresh one. Watch the video below for a detailed explanation and demonstration of the best way to change and tie a gong gut.

Here are a few additional notes for the road-weary gong traveler:

1. Gong guts are made of leather. They can fray over time with small hairs and fibers breaking away from the main rope. This is natural and normal. They will maintain their quality for a long time, even when they start to look frayed.

2. Paiste made these gong guts with their gongs and stands in mind. You can use them with other German gongs and stands (like Meinl or Gongland) but they may not be sized right. You may need to retie or cut the gong gut to make it work with other brands. It is best to measure the holes on your gong or the hooks on your stand and then contact us first.

3. Paiste sells their gong guts according to the size of the gong it is made for. They are sold in 2” increments. For example, if you have a 32” Symphonic gong, purchase the rope listed as ‘Gong Gut for 32” Gong.’ If you have a 34” Symphonic gong, purchase the one listed as ‘Gong Gut for 34” Gong.’

You've got this. You can do it! Now, go tie some knots.

To see and purchase our Paiste Gong Guts, click here.

To look at Paiste Gongs, click here.



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