This is the third in a series of three videos that we're calling "The Three G's." The three G's are Grounding, Guidance, and Growth. If you need to review the first in this series, click here for Part 1: Grounding. Click here for Part 2: Guidance
This time, I'm talking about Spiritual Growth and taking the next step on your path, be it small or large. The tool and technique I'm using here can be used daily for less imposing things than your life path, you can do this to help yourself to connect to the Divine each day.
I highly recommend you watch the first two videos in this series (links above) and practice those techniques before you do the work in this video.
In this video, I go over Grounding from the first video, and speak briefly on what you did in the second video to hear your Inner Guidance, and now we work directly with the Source, God, Allah, Supreme Being, whatever you prefer to call the Creator and learn how to ask for communication for Growth.
It's really a delight to clean out the cobwebs and energy that we can have in that space and to hear and have all that God wants to communicate to us.
Thanks again for following this series and thank you for healing!
It was an honor to meet with Bear and Shion of B Love Sacred Sounds. Their friction mallets unlock the beautiful potential of gongs. We are so thankful to them for sharing their wealth of knowledge and experience. Check out this blog to see some instructional videos we made with them!
A ton of research has been done on the connection between the different states of brainwave activity and specific sounds and frequencies. The question we wanted to answer is – can the brain be tuned to different states of consciousness using binaural beats and specific frequencies to achieve entrainment?
Andrew Borakove