These beautifully engraved bronze gongs are hand-made in Nepal. Each gong presents a rich, deep tone with a warm, complex wash that wraps you in overtones. Different sonic colors come out of different parts of the face of the gong, creating a diverse experience.
They are engraved with a beautiful Flower of Life surrounded by an ornate pattern. The Flower of Life is an ancient symbol formed from interlocking, evenly-spaced circles. Many divine geometric shapes and patterns can be found within this image, like Metatron's Cube, or the five elemental Platonic solids.
These gongs are a powerful tool for tapping into the divine fabric of the universe. Meditate and reflect on the patterns found in the Flower of Life. This gong is the perfect accent to bring complexity to your sound therapy toolkit at the studio. Add this gong to your gong collection today!