This listing includes the gong of your choice, Spirit Guide Stand, and matching stained mallet.
The 16" Atlantis Gong is a unique gong created in collaboration with gong makers in China. It is an unlathed gong, so it holds a deep meditative tone. The oxidizing process creates 18 different colors and patterns, which reflect the individual soundscapes in each gong. This gong holds deep wisdom in its bronze, the same wisdom that dolphins have always known as they dance and dive in the sea.
Approximate Gong Weight: 4 lbs
The Atlantis Chau Gong mixes the classic look and feel of the traditional Chau gong with mystique and depth of our exclusive Atlantis gong.
The science of metallurgy and the art of the gongmaker combine to create a gong with differing coloration and varying pockets of harmonics throughout the gong. The classic lathing pattern brings balance and control to the overall sound, making this gong something special that's a must-have for sound alchemists, therapists, healers and musicians.
Approximate Weight of Gong: 4 lbs
The 16" Chau Gong, with its iconic bull’s-eye design (created by lathing a band in the middle), is full, deep and delightful. At this size, it can be played both lightly for subtle tones, and strongly for loud awakening tones.
Approximate Gong Weight: 4 lbs
The 16" Chocolate Drop Gong is a feisty, medium sized gong. It's sound has depth, but some brightness and sparkle. The depth comes from the rim and inner circle of "chocolate" - which is really where the gong was not lathed. The bright parts are where they lathe the gong, like a cymbal and take off the dark parts. The sparkle comes from the shiny part of the gong, for as it looks bright, it also sounds bright.
Approximate Gong Weight: 4 lbs
The 16" Dark Star Gong from Gongs Unlimited is dark, but not too dark. Darkness... rich, smooth, textural darkness, piques your curiosity every day as you choke down your dark, black coffee.
"Too dark?" you wonder as you peer into the brooding, moody cave of wonder.
No, just dark enough, with rich dark tones, shimmering light at the heart of darkness: the Dark Star Gong from Gongs Unlimited.
Approximate Gong Weight: 4 lbs
Dark Wind Gongs are similar to the traditional Wind Gongs, but with an unlathed outer edge. The unlathed part controls the crash, creating less splash than a wind gong and preventing the gong from opening up sound-wise like a fully lathed gong.
Approximate Gong Weight: 3 lbs
The Deep Breath Gong is a breath of fresh air. These gongs are thinner, light-hearted, and fun. The dark unlathed center provides great sustain while holding the crash in.
Approximate Gong Weight: 3 lbs
The 16" Eventual Horizon Gong has the look and feel of a traditional Chau gong, but with an added set of lathed and unlathed bands on the outer edge of the gong. This creates more complexity in the harmonics and overtones. The overall sound of the gong will start clear-toned and focused, with a controlled, but rich crash.
Approximate Gong Weight: 4 lbs
The 16" Heng Gong is heavier than your average 16” Chinese gong, with a rim twice as deep as most Chinese gongs. This gives the tone feeling of solidity. This gong is very present. It is there to support you. The tone is long-lasting and though the gong will crash with a hard smack, its strength is the powerful, deep tone.
Approximate Gong Weight: 6 lbs 8 oz
The 16" Lunar Flare Gong is named after the ring of brightness that appears around the moon in a photo. It embodies the eternal of Earth's only satellite, yet we know the flare only because of today's technology, which made it possible to capture this previously unseen and beautiful phenomenon. It has a deep sound, though not as sharp as its sister, the Solar Flare Gong. The rim focuses the sound, which lingers pleasantly. There's lightness with this gong, like the light from the moon that pierces the thick of night. Deep sound emanates and expands and transforms dark to light.
Approximate Gong Weight: 4 lbs
The 16" Mother Tesla Gong is designed specifically for Gongs Unlimited. It is an unlathed gong. This is how a gong looks when it comes out of the oven. Most Chinese Gongs have this color when they come out of their cast mold, but then are lathed to create different tones.
The Mother Tesla Gong maintains a deeper tone. It doesn’t crash like a Wind Gong, or even a Chau. The gong can provide a deep tone without a splash/crash. It can get a laser like high note sometimes.
This gong is a great meditative healer.
Approximate Gong Weight: 4 lbs
The 16" Solar Flare Gong lacks a rimmed edge. It is flat on the edge, so those bright shiny layers crash and splash. The darker, unlathed circles of the Solar Flare Gong provide reconnection keep the sound tighter, more grounded.
Approximate Gong Weight: 3 lbs
The 16" Subatomic Gong is marvelous gong that can create marvelous tones and healing vibrations.
The Subatomic creates a mystic tone when struck, with complex overtones. Often, striking it in the different concentric rings will give you a slightly different tone each time, adding to the mystique of these gongs.
For those using it to heal, the Subatomic Gong is wonderful for helping face tough internal issues with aplomb. It helps move those darker energies out. These gongs will allow you to tap into your reserve of strength to heal and grow into a greater person.
Approximate Gong Weight: 4 lbs
The 16" Wind Gong is fully lathed and shiny, with no rim (it is flat on the edge). This design gives the Wind Gong its splashy celebratory tone when struck with a fast attack. The sound will build quickly, allowing you to spread your wings and soar on the winds of joy and wonder.
Approximate Gong Weight: 3 lbs
The 18" Atlantis Gong has truly unique and otherworldly tones. It holds a steady, deep tone with highlights of other colorful tones that emerge.
Maybe if we all play our Atlantis Gongs enough we'll get an invitation to the underground cities.
Approximate Gong Weight: 5 lbs 6 oz
The Atlantis Chau Gong mixes the classic look and feel of the traditional Chau gong with mystique and depth of our exclusive Atlantis gong.
The science of metallurgy and the art of the gongmaker combine to create a gong with differing coloration and varying pockets of harmonics throughout the gong. The classic lathing pattern brings balance and control to the overall sound, making this gong something special that's a must-have for sound alchemists, therapists, healers and musicians.
Approximate Weight of Gong: 5 lbs 6 oz
The 18" Chau Gong is like an early romance - full of passion and desire and with some good sustain and eventual decay with nice sonic memories. Except this gong you won't have to friend on Facebook. This gong has a solid and deep tone, radiant overtones, and ability to crash when needed…
It's just like that ELO song: Can't Gong It out of My Head
Midnight on the water I saw the ocean's daughter Walking on sound waves she came Staring as she gonged my name
And I can't gong it out of my head No, I can't gong it out of my head Now my old world is gong for dead Cause I can't gong it out of my head
Breakdown on the gong stand Can't gong, without my mallet Morning don't gong here til night Searching for her silver gong
Approximate Gong Weight: 5 lbs
The 18" Chocolate Drop Gong has perplexed some of our customers.
They ask us, Is the middle of the Chocolate Drop Gong, really Chocolate? And we answer, Is Charlie Brown, really brown?
If you consider his general emotional mood, yes, Charlie is.
Hence, the center of a chocolate drop gong is as chocolate as you want it to be. Chocolate if you mean that magnanimous flavor burst that hits your tongue when you eat some good stuff. Chocolate if you mean that chemical - hormonal rush that hits your brain from eating it. Chocolate if you mean that sonic rush when you hear a female jazz singer hit a spectacular silky melody.
Yes, the Chocolate Drop is Chocolate.
Approximate Gong Weight: 5 lbs
The 18" Dark Star Gong is made only for Gongs Unlimited. It is a heavy beast of a gong. It is heavier than a Chau Gong, or other similar gongs of its size. And with this much bronze, you also hear deep deep tones.
While the thickness of metal keeps the Dark Star Gong deep in tone, the lathing of the bronze in the center, brings out an interesting musicality and flow.
In this way the Dark Star differs from the Mother Tesla Gong, which stays moody and crepuscular. The Dark Star is a gong that gives you an adventure in space.
And space time. Take a ride with it.
Approximate Gong Weight: 5 lbs 6 oz
The 18" Heng Gong is thicker and heavier than the traditional Chau or Wind Gongs. Where Wind gongs have no rim and splash out sound liberally and Chau Gongs have about an inch of rim that focuses the sound, the Heng has about a 2 inch rim that holds the sound like a lucky gambler gathers up a jackpot!
The thicker bronze holds a deep tone that resounds a long time. Will build to a crash? Sure! But a Heng's strength is the focused tunnel of sound that spirals from the back.
For all of you urban, rural, hip, square, happening gong players out there 'heng', according to the Urban dictionary, means lucky.
Lucky also describes those who are blessed to play or hear this strong, round bearer of sound.
Approximate Gong Weight: 9 lbs
The 18" Lunar Flare Gong is named after the ring of brightness that appears around the moon in a photo. It embodies the eternal of Earth's only satellite, yet we know the flare only because of today's technology, which made it possible to capture this previously unseen and beautiful phenomenon. It has a deep sound, though not as sharp as its sister, the Solar Flare Gong. The rim focuses the sound, which lingers pleasantly. There's lightness with this gong, like the light from the moon that pierces the thick of night. Deep sound emanates and expands and transforms dark to light.
Approximate Gong Weight: 5 lbs
The 18" Mother Tesla Gong is designed specifically for Gongs Unlimited. It is an unlathed gong. This is how a gong looks when it comes out of the oven. Most Chinese Gongs have this color when they come out of their cast mold, but then are lathed to create different tones.
The Mother Tesla Gong maintains a deeper tone. It doesn’t crash like a Wind Gong, or even a Chau. The gong can provide a deep tone without a splash/crash. It can get a laser like high note sometimes.
This gong is a great meditative healer.
Approximate Gong Weight: 5 lbs 6 oz
Solar Flares happen all the time and affect us in many ways. How we use the energy coming at us influences how it can move through or crash into our bodies.
The 18" Solar Flare Gong is the perfect tool for healing your space and balancing the changes that are moving through us. The dark, raw circles in cooperation with the bright, polished circles create sound of restraint and expression.
A bit moodier than the traditional Wind Gong, the Solar Flare bursts forth with a dark sparkle for cosmic balance.
To play is the way.
Approximate Gong Weight: 4 lbs 10 oz
The 18" Subatomic Gong is marvelous gong that can create marvelous tones and healing vibrations.
The Subatomic creates a mystic tone when struck, with complex overtones. Often, striking it in the different concentric rings will give you a slightly different tone each time, adding to the mystique of these gongs.
For those using it to heal, the Subatomic Gong is wonderful for helping face tough internal issues with aplomb. It helps move those darker energies out. These gongs will allow you to tap into your reserve of strength to heal and grow into a greater person.
Approximate Gong Weight: 5 lbs
The 18" White Gong is not literally white.
In fact, some also call it the Double Light Gong, by those in China who name gongs, but it is neither a double gong, nor lighter than other gongs of its type, so we do not know why it is so.
This we do know:
The White Gong is similar in design to the Chau style gong. It has a rim to focus the sound. It is fully lathed like the Wind Gong, so you can get a bit of a splash if you want it.
Given the special way the gongmakers make this gong, it gives you a special sound of its own. It is bright sounding, but also has a depth of tone because it has a rim like a Chau Gong. It is as if the Wind Gong and the Chau Gong had a very pretty baby!
The 18" Wind Gong has a deep crash that clears psychic debris so that guidance can come through.
When the wind blows we are moved, whether we want to be or not. We can flow with the blows or be moved where only God or Goddess or some goodie-two-shoes knows!
Because whether you're a country star or channeling stars, it's nice to remember that Angels are all around to guide and help maintain the easy, breezy flow.
Approximate Gong Weight: 4 lbs 10 oz
The Xiang Jia Gong is a beautiful looking and sounding traditional Chinese Gong. Thick, unlathed bronze combined with exceptionally deep rims work together to create mysterious and profound tones. This is a gong that does not crash or splash like a lathed gong. The Xiang Jia gong is about power and presence.
Approximate Gong Weight: 14 lbs 6 oz
The Spirit Guide Wood Gong Stand is stained a rich dark brown with hints of red. It is perfect gong stand for your home, your office, or your past life regression. This stand holds the gong in a manner that makes it hard to take off and put the gong back on quickly, so it is not ideal for traveling. We suggest a gong of 18" for the best look, but you can fit 16" to 19" gongs and still have it look remarkable.
Easy to assemble, sturdy, and classy - when you are ready to make your gong look even more gorgeous, go with the Spirit Guide Gong Stand.
Spirit Guide Stand Measurements: Height: 28.5" Width: 30.75" Depth of Feet: 10" Weight: 6 lbs
Mallet Measurements: Total Length: 12" Handle Length: 10" Head Diameter: 3" Weight: 5 oz
Learn how to assemble this stand with Joshua, the assembly wizard:
I added this to my healthcare clinic. It bring so many smiles! My team and clients get frequent use out of it. It’s beautiful as an art piece. The dark star sound is rich and feels energizing.
I got this gong and frame for my wife to celebrate our 40th anniversary. She was thrilled, I am thrilled. It is beautiful, sounds amazing, and the workmanship exceeds my expectations.